Oil On Canvas 120cm x 80cm
This is an Acacia Erioloba or Camel Thorn in Hwange National Park, not far from Ngweshla Pan, these trees are magnificent the way they mould themselves into the most unique shapes
This particular tree is joined at the base, but looks like two separate trees of similar shapes, like brothers perhaps joined at the hip, Seeing trees like this one and the many other wonders of the wild that I have encountered makes me wonder who will pass judgement on us all for what we have or haven’t done to conserve?
Have we forgotten to listen to our inner voice? the one that is almost definitely full of doubt at the way things are currently, or have we simply just chosen to ignore it?
The important things in life funnily enough are things that cannot be bought with money, so take a moment and consider the consequences of ecological collapse, the preservation of nature is in our hands and we need to take heed of the changes happening around us, the pressure is on!
And now as our role as conservationists will be called upon, ask yourself will you stand and be counted? Will you help make others aware?, that’s all it takes!
Deep in the Jesse bush of Zambezi Valley, the elephants walk along tried and tested paths, visiting the sites that the generations before them taught them about, their trust in the way of things is inspiring and their knowledge of the bigger picture evident in their actions. Perhaps they are the judge and Jury on our actions from here?
Will those of us close to this, stand the test of time, and when we look back, will we be able to say we did our best, we got involved?
Spare a moment for those at the rock face, Parks, Operators and Volunteers
Listen - the drums are beating !
Tread lightly