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Forget not that the earth delights in the feel of your bare feet.

Will Maberly

At some point we all judge, we have opinions and ideas about what’s happening around the world, about people and about things but as we get older the stance may change and it certainly changes with knowledge !

Life is an endless cycle of opposites, no one is immune to these cycles and Life in itself is a cycle of its own opposite-death, sooner or later it is the one thing that we can be certain of !

Somehow in the world we live in there is this idea in society that time is endless and can be extended, day to day is not something we look at it anymore, yet if we look at our placebo , nature, there is nothing more than day to day !

For hundreds of years the thinking of individuals has been swayed by society's Institutions like religion and more recently by the commercial world in the endless pursuit of progress, never more than now is the pressure on the individual to think in a way that is dictated by policy, education, society, conform or else !

It is obvious that the very fibre of society is being questioned daily, social media and the internet have shrunk the world, information is on peoples fingertips instantaneously and our news networks spend time showing bias opinions with agendas.

The real issues that affect life are not given airtime as they are not commercially beneficial! Why is that with the power and means to do the right thing, so many powerful institutions have in fact hidden agendas? and why do we, the very people who support these institutions not question them more openly ?

Take a moment to consider the consequences of ecological collapse, the collapse of our origin ? In my life time there are many species that have become extinct, basically destroyed through our societies bungling efforts for "progress" . Where is the line people ? At what point do we as people, as a responsible species say no?

And in this regard when do we back the people who do know, the people at the rock face without hidden agenda?

Today as we speak, there are dedicated men and women, many completely misunderstood by the vast majority, committing their lives to the conservation of species of animals and vegetation that are facing an unparalleled onslaught of poaching and destruction, a commitment from deep within with very little reward. Some of these people come from unlikely backgrounds and others from more predictable ones, ex department of wildlife people, professional guides, professional hunters are all banding to gather at the rock face of this problem, they are the "grunts" of this war, the foot soldiers and the criticism by many is unfounded and often comes from people removed from the rock face with "trending "opinions . Opinions are healthy and necessary, but for us to find common ground however we need to have a better understanding of what is happening at the front and unfortunately those very institutions that have grown so big and become powerful, are many of them, defining the way we think on this and not pulling their weight, as it is in direct conflict with their own 'progress'

Come ,feel the breeze , take in the fragrance of nature, of reality, and ponder quietly the enormity of the situation we are facing!

Tread lightly on the Earth


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